In order to reflect on my progress into the Extended Practice module, I attended a crit in order to gain feedback on my written briefs.
Reflecting on my initial briefs after COP, I have gained further knowledge into publishing as artistic practice and identified further opportunities that I want to explore. As a response to this, I intend to revisit my brief proposals in order to make them more professional and structured. Listening to my peers briefs, it is evident that I need to formulate my briefs into a proper brief format as if it was a contract from a client. This will allow me to work more objectively and take advantage of the time that I have available.
The session has made me want to create fun and light-hearted briefs in order to break up long and tedious briefs and make the module a more enjoyable experience. These briefs can be short and concise in order gain a quick turnover between briefs.
Highlighted how my research into publishing artists' books from COP and my interest in the potential of printed matter in the digital age can be used to explore a project into archiving. It was suggested that I look into an exhibition 'The Heart that Heals the Soul' which explores publishing and library archives. The exhibition is on at The Tetley in Leeds so I'll be sure to visit it in search for further development. This exhibition can be used to inspire ideas into an archiving brief but also other editorial pieces.