Thursday, 12 November 2015

Typeface Design 1.3

Progress and Review

My concept is beginning to be transferred into each character but I need to make sure the width of the line is consistent throughout. I want my typeface to be dependable and versatile, which isn't common for a condensed typefaces, but I hope if I continue to use a medium width it will be able to work on smaller scales. Looking at type in more detail, I realised that characters aren't always the same size, this is clear when looking at 'W' and 'E'. I need to bare in mind that the overall width of a letter can be different but as my typeface is predominantly vertical, I will only need to subtly change it. I am pleased that I have managed to transfer the same structure and angled line throughout characters such as 'B', 'R' and 'P'. 


Narcos is a Netflix Original series that uses a condensed typeface so I replaced my typeface with the original.

The original typeface is written in Univers Ultra Condensed, the same typeface that I am manipulating and I am intrigued to see if my alterations will reflect a different personality to the title. 

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