During this module, I made sure my secondary research was broad by using internet and library resources, however I should have done this more for my primary research in order to create more engaging outcomes. This module made me identify how important research is at the start of the brief and the importance of reflecting on it. This is more relevant to studio brief 02 and 03 because my outcomes could be much improved. The most successful brief for me was studio brief 04 because I really enjoyed reflecting on the year and using my experiences to influence my outcome. Throughout the whole of this module I have been developing my design and learning new techniques and processes, digital and analogue, and I think this is apparent in this submission.
Time management was really important throughout this module because we had 4 briefs to complete and they often overlapped. This made me create time plans and calendars to help me with organisation which I am grateful for because I have submitted every brief on time. When we were set studio brief 04, I began to struggle with keeping up to date with all four briefs and as a result, studio brief 02 and 03 lacked in development. However, towards the end of the module I began to combine organisational skills that I'd learnt over the year by makint a time plan to motivate me to finish the briefs in time. Using a range of techniques and processes such as screen print, monoprint and digital manipulation takes advantage of the colleges facilities which improved my outcomes.
The module required me to work solo and in a group which both had their advantage and setbacks. Working on my own allowed me to plan my own development process in relation to the brief. When working in a group we could all share our creative concepts and abilities so that more work could be produced and we introduced each other to new processes. This was really beneficial and I feel more confident when working in a group. This process also made me think about the purpose and aims of the briefs so that I, and the group, could make informed decisions.
During this module I introduced myself to a mix of techniques and processes which I weren't 100% confident with, as a result I made a lot of mistakes during experimentation. This was a setback, however I efficiently problem solved and adapted as a designer in order to solve these problems. For example, in studio brief 04 my production method helped to inform my printing method.
I have demonstrated that I can problem solve during the production of my outcomes because I have more of an understanding of techniques and processes.
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