Firstly, what was encouraging was that the member of Only agreed that the current People of Print website needs improving and he identified sections of the site that I already identified as problematic such as the narrow and condensed layout, large and intruding menu and illegible type size.
Introducing the crit group to my navigation menu allowed me to explain how I have simplified the current menu in order for the navigation to be objective. The crit group liked the CMYK logo and encouraged me to add more symbols of print media throughout the site such as crop marks and ink spillages. This is something I intend to look further into, however I don't want to overwhelm the page or distract the audience form the work.
Showed examples of the site using different images because I wanted to demonstrate the site working as if it was being a constantly updated newsfeed of articles:
Questioned whether the menu should be transparent or solid in order to aid my problem solving:
Crit group were divided in opinion because the transparent menu isn't legible when it's layered over the top of dark images, however it was suggested that it provides more room for high impact images and the user can use the sensitive mouse/track pad in order to quickly move the position of the site so that it's legible. Layering the type over the collaged projects also adds to my concept of communicating print and makes the site more original and engaging.
I am pleased with the feedback I received as I gained positive feedback on the menu bar which was a primary issue with the current site. I now need to start bringing the navigational system together, making sure that the user experience is simple to use as well as engaging.
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