Tuesday, 10 January 2017

OUGD504 - Module Evaluation

Throughout this module I was being introduced to new techniques and processes which I found challenging to balance with producing a professional solution. This was particularly evident in Studio Brief 02 because I had never designed for screen before and user interface was a new approach to me. However, I really enjoyed the experimental freedom that design for screen provides as my knowledge progressed. The After Effects and InDesign workshops were really influential as they helped me to prepare documents for publishing in print and on screen which will be valuable skills to take forward into the industry. Having the opportunity to tackle a digital brief has broadened my practice and I will consider producing both print and digital solutions in the future. My increased knowledge on the capabilities of design for screen made me realise how important it is to stay up to date with the evolution of digital graphics.

Considering the module was emphasised the importance of production methods, I experimented with various techniques and processes which influenced my outcomes and both outcomes for Studio Brief 01 and 02 use influences from both print and digital processes. My naivety towards design for screen was limiting my practice, now I feel confident in combining both print and digital solutions in order to encourage interactive features that immerse the audience.

My time management hasn't been evidenced, however I have produced thoroughly researched and considered solutions in time with the submission which comply with the briefs mandatory requirements. Having managed my time more objectively, my concepts could have evolved on a commercial scale. Considering industry standard techniques and promotion in the future will present my work in a professional format. I feel that I have let my work down due to how I have presented it on my design boards, especially for Studio Brief 01 because my images of my final resolution wouldn't be accepted on commercial sites.

In some respects I feel like I have over researched which has caused a divide in my concept development. In the future I aim to be more objective with my research so that it informs the concept, not just the production methods. Realising this now, I can improve my research and blogging techniques to make referring back to my research more efficient.

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