Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Public Information Leaflet 1.6

Created a pictogram for a car using Illustrator because the pen tool allowed me to accurately trace around a car. I can use this for the front cover and also use it as an opportunity for info graphics:

With the above image, I could ask the audience to find the motorbike in a large amount of cars. I could keep the bike and the cars the same colour in order to make the audience look harder for the bike, ultimately stressing how important it is to look for motorbikes:

I placed this into InDesign because it is a software specially made for formatting publications:

Chosen an analogous colour scheme which is friendly and harmonious, although I'm not sure it reflects the serious message I'm trying to communicate. 

Made the pictogram of a car into a pattern to connote motoring and also suggest motorcyclists. This was a good decision because it simplified the original concept and adds surface pattern. 

I changed the content on the flap as it is the first thing the audience will see when they open the leaflet. I wanted it to draw the audiences attention so used a question to be personal. This will make the audience think of the biker as a person, not just as a nuisance which is how a lot of motorists view them. 

I added in further social media information links on the back of the leaflet. I didn't want to include this content on the inside because that's where all of the important, relevant information will be and I don't want to distract the audience from that.

The leaflet still doesn't connote 'THINK BIKE', predominantly due to the colour scheme and lack of visual cues such as imagery. 

Added image of helmet that I created using Illustrator so that the connotations of bikers was introduced. I angled the direction of the cars diagonally for the top flap because I was struggling to get the two flaps to line up and it also adds direction. This left a small section of white space where I can add in the title 'THINK BIKE' so the audience recognises the campaign and becomes intrigued by the repeat pattern. 

Once unfolded, it will unveil more information:

I included the 'THINK BIKE' campaign image because it is relevant to the original video and makes the target audience realise how easy it is to make a mistake at a junction.

I chose to use Univers UltraCondensed because it is a bold typeface, especially on a large scale and due to its narrow characteristics I can fit more type on one line. I haven't managed to create any infographics out of the statistics, apart from the cover, however I can expand on that once I have got my information and understanding of layout. 

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