Tuesday 6 February 2018

OUG603 - Statement of Intent

James Green

Over the two years I have identified an interest in design for print, editorial and branding which I have been developing through level 5. The focus of my work as a whole features experimental and process orientated design which is why I intend to demonstrate an attention to materials and processes within traditional print this year. Becoming a key holder for the print room will allow me to have access to the print room after hours whilst also being responsible for the equipment. I intend to build on these areas of design throughout my final year to make sure the outcome/product demonstrates professional awareness. To achieve this I intend to stay current and on trend with contemporary design. Focusing on expanding my practice into a wider contexts such as digital in order to broaden my skills and gain exposure. I must consider the potential of current/future technology in order to apply transferable solutions over a broad demographic. Through the two years I have been naturally drawn to print media, however the digital industry is at the forefront of graphic design therefore I intend to collaborate with digital designers in order to increase my knowledge and understanding of design for screen. This will demonstrate a wide range of skills within my portfolio.

I see myself as a conceptual designer therefore the research stage of the project is key to my practice therefore I intend to complete research briefs to source interviews, documenting photography, sketches and material samples will allow me to work in a tactile way, encouraging me to experiment and innovate.