Monday, 14 May 2018

OUGD603 - Branding and Identity - Future Humans - Development

Decided to develop the two most successful concepts from the initial concept stage. 

Concept 1:

Developed a type-logo to accompany the FH. 
I used lower case Futura and adjusted the kerning/baseline to join the steam of the f and the h:

It was fed back to me that this should be spread across one line therefore I used Futura italic for 'future' in order to suggest moving forward and create contrast between the two words:

Began to mockup components to see how the work together:


My main concern is the fact that the written logo uses lower case characters whereas the main logo features capitalised F and H. This may be problematic in keeping the visual identity consistent. 

3D experiments: 

Struggled to apply colour without them looking too synthetic. 

Mocked up some posters using the alien landscape visuals. By demonstrating how the two logos can work together the client can gain a better understanding of how the logo will be applied to brand assets.  

Concept 2:

Began to add more effects and layers to Hughs:

Space Nebula - 

Created a nebula using Photoshop:

This provided me with a dark background that I can apply my concepts to.

Created a glow to create a 3D neon effect:

Gradient toned an image from Pexels (free photo site) aimed towards live performance. I changed the colour to a vibrant neon blue so that it was consistent with the neon type. 

Visual Elements and Illustration Style:

Having created the nebular, I started to explore other visuals that can accompany the concept. 

Client Presentation: 

Concept 1: James Green

Brand is influenced by my visual research into 80s typography. The illustration style can be expanded over a range of modular compositions.

Concept 2: James Green

Replaced the gradient mapped landscapes with the nebula to further communicate an futuristic/alien language. The rotated logo can be animated to create engaging loading screens and brand assets.

Concept 3: Ste Crowther

Concept 4: Ste Crowther


In order to decide which concept to take forward we discussed each concept and asked for feedback.

Concept 1: 
Really like the colour scheme and layout of the poster. 
Doubts about the script typeface being legible. 
Needs more visuals 

Concept 2:
Using the nebula as a background to highlight the subtle outlines from the rotated logo. 
Really liked how rotating the logo creates a futuristic language

Concept 3:
Outstanding visuals created by the nebula
The neon type is really engaging and clear - opportunity to animate it flickering
Clear space theme

Concept 4:
Lines coming from the type create movement however it is hard to read


Opportunity to combine elements from concept 2 with concept 3. 
Using the nebula was consistent between both of our concepts. We discussed that the nebula would be ideal for the background of the site as it offers a dark background and subtle shades of blue and pink. This will allow the white type and neon logo to look prominent and clear. The scale of the nebula can also be expanded therefore it can be adapted to different platforms.

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