Neon colours
As this was a collaborative project, we created a shared Pinterest board:
This allowed us to share our ideas and gather a large amount of inspiration.
Created a concept board:
3D modular designs:
Script typefaces:
Music Related Branding and Web Design:
The Wire
The Wire is an independent, monthly music magazine covering a wide range of alternative, underground and non-mainstream musics. The fact that the magazine is targeted at under the radar music makes it an ideal for our research as our concept aims to get undiscovered artists into the real world.
Website is clear and easy to navigate considering the large amount of content and categories that the site covers from news, audio, events and shop. - However the navigation bar is very busy. In order to overcome this, the site could use a hamburger icon to create more room and focus on engaging visuals. The site and logo is static which is great for quick loading times, however it doesn't communicate the raw, undiscovered and alternative nature of the content.
Immediately faced with a high impact image of a selected article/artist. - Engaging and professional
Layering type over image
Interactive menu
The use of the hamburger icon cleans up the look of the site and focuses the audience on the content.
Scrolling down there are featured articles which is great to further encourage the user to explore more of the site.
Opening the hamburger icon:
Referred to the 'listen' section of the site. Each artist image has been duotoned/gradient mapped to create a consistent visual identity
Imbedding Spotify and Soundcloud into the site:
Really immediate way of getting people to listen without having to leave the site/page.
Overall a really engaging and professional site.
Backed up by high res photography
User experience is smooth and responsive
Hamburger icon cleans the look of the site and is always available.
Soundcloud / Spotify embedded
Brand Name:
The names for these organisations are not directly music related, however they are aimed at culturally engaged, alternative audiences. Avoid the obvious and keep on trend. Both Ste and I will submit 5 name ideas each for our solution and then narrow it down to one.
- Zest
Influenced by fresh talent and ideas
- Stretto
Music terminology meaning the imitation of the subject in close succession
- Ostinato
Music terminology meaning repeating the same note quickly in succession
- Future Beat
As the concept aims to bring young musicians together, expose them to the world and get them discovered, we both settled on the name Future Humans.
Initial Sketches
Started to create a script typeface inspired by the San Junipo poster and neon type on 'Fall Together'.
However I really struggled to create this digitally due to a lack of consistency. To overcome this, I tested out a Wacom Tablet, however this didn't prove any easier. As an alternative, I started looking for fonts made in this style:
Surfer Bay:
Chose very warm colours to emulate a sunset:
Started looking at 70/80s typography and came across Audi's Quattro logo.
Sketched out Future Humans in the same style as Audi's Quattro logo. I struggled with the 'e' and the 's' due to the squashed structure.
Moved onto a different concept as I am still in the concept generation stage.
Joined the cross bars of a simple, geometric F and H:
Whilst this is a very simple and minimal outcome, it can be repeated to represent an alien/futuristic language:
To further reiterate future, I found some aerial shots of natural canyons, fields, etc and gradient mapped them to reflect an alien/futuristic landscape.
NEED to slightly alter the logo to make it square format. This means that even when it's rotated it stays a consistent size:
Develop a script typeface concept further
Apply more layers and effects to make the type 3D.
People really liked the simple FH logo being rotated as it reminded them of hieroglyphics.
Moving forward, I intend to develop both concepts.
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