Monday, 14 May 2018

OUGD603 - Univers - Final Outcome


The final publication has been bound using 32mm ring binders. 
To create the holes for each bind we created a template that can be placed over each individual sheet to register each hole. To achieve this we used a 5mm screw punch. We punched the holes 2cm into the inside margin to give the pages room and create a smooth page transition. 

Using ring binders provide the flexibility for the owner to reorder the publication, take pages out and put it on their wall and also add pages in. 

Cover page 
Digitally printed contents page with Univers Extended Black 'U' overlayed in mount board:

Screen Print 

Spray mounted some of the sheets of tissue paper that we used to register off certain areas of the typography during the letterpress process. 

Bound each letter from 'univers' throughout the publication to overlap the content.

Deconstructing the mountboard type:

Spray mounted the photograms directly into the publication. The dense blacks and highly defined type contrasts with the rough aesthetic of the letterpressed letters.

Bound the 'V' into the publication which has been overlapped onto a 'V' composition:

Same with the E:

Spray mounted two photograms onto the page. Overlaid tissue paper to further reiterate process. We sprayed the tissue paper horrizontally down the middle to force the user to fold the tissue paper un and down to reveal the photograms. This highlights the experiential impact of print media and encourages exploration. Each time the user looks through they are likely to discover something new.

Tissue paper off prints alongside motion photogram:

Bound the deconstructed and abused R into the publication:

Composition of 4 photograms used to illustrate space:

Bound the printing plate over the original print:

Gained really positive feedback as people look through
The oversized publication is what makes it so unique

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