Monday, 14 May 2018

OUGD603 - Farm - Evaluation

I spent too long in the research stage which bombarded me with new information. This had a detrimental impact on developing an objective concept which ultimately put me behind on my time plan. I am however really pleased with the amount of research that I carried out, from numerous farm visits, interviews, to contacting a skydiver to record aerial shots of the British countrside. This experience has encouraged me to pursue documentary editorial and photography in the future. To improve my research I should have interviewed members of the public. Realised that my real interest lied in process therefore I used the primary sourced materials to produce an artists book. Working manually encouraged me to break out of my comfort zone and take risks. Manually sorting and curating the pages was a challenging task without digital aids however creating mockups and annotatig pages proved really useful. I feel my knowledge of editorial and book design has increased because I was constantly having to adapt and problem solve throughout the entire brief. Exploring relief printing techniques introduced me to new techniques and processes and I was able to innovate a unique printing technique using wallpaper samples. Printing manually allowed me to print white ink, something that digital print isn’t able to pull off so easily. My knowledge and understanding of artists’ books and publishing from the COP module proved really beneficial as I was able to define the outcome as an artists’ book. Whilst the outcome isn’t as objective as I’d hoped I am pleased with the outcome as it demonstrates numerous processes for my portfolio.

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