Monday, 14 May 2018

OUGD603 - Branding and Identity - Ideal Physio - Development + Client Document

Final colours for my concepts
Informed by what research?

As Ste and I are working collaboratively, we aim to create three concepts to send over to the client. We have agreed that we will submit our own individual concept as well as I combined concept. As we are both focusing on a typographic response, we decided to work together on an illustrative concept.

Took inspiration from the retro stripes of a classic adidas tracksuit:

The ‘IP’ emblem creates the shape of someone laying on a gym ball or physio bed. The slanted angle gives it movement. The logo works nicely inside a circle:

Keeping it simple and energetic, the colour palette of cherry red and white is hard to miss and you would be able to tell this was an active brand without even reading the name.

Mockups allow the client to visualise the design in real life:

Client Document

We prepared a document to send over to the client to decide on which concept to take forward. We made sure the document was professional and consistent through each concept:

Tried to keep the justification for our design decisions as concise and understandable as possible. To achieve this we only highlighted the most relevant content.

We tried to keep the colour palettes different through each concept in order to provide a diverse range.

Concept 1: Ste Crowther

Ste submitted three colour schemes for his concept.

Concept 2: James Green

Inspired by the lines on athletics and tennis courts. The colour scheme has been informed by a tennis ball however I explained how it works in a variety of colour ways. I tried to sell my concept by explaining how each column is equal and it can be rotated to create a brand pattern.

I played around with opacity in order to demonstrate how the logo can be layered with type.

Submitted a second colour palette. The complimentary colour scheme is vibrant and works harmoniously across a variety of platforms.

For our final concept, we chose a simple colour palette of vibrant red and white in order to create high impact visuals.

We are looking forward to hearing what the client thinks and which concept to take forward.

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