Referred to the monoprint page compositions and identified images to overlay.
Used InDesign to place the images in order: Divided a landscape A2 page in half. My experience through test printing onto acetate informed me that I could only print single sided. I referred to my mockup publication notes so that I could identify both pages from the on either side of the bind.
Left page will go on the top - first
Right page will be on the other side of the bind
Used a 12x12 grid system inspired by the how farmers divide their yield within the drying sheds.
Primary sourced images from farm visit to introduce the publication
As well as photography I included more primary research by using scans of material and organic samples from farms.
Layered photography over scanned materials
Imbedding more primary research into the publication:
Title: 'Read it and Reap'
A playful take on the common saying 'read it and weep', often said in poker when someone has a winning hand, as the others 'weep' over their loss. The expression can also refer to things that may cause distress to others. This reflects the gambling aspect to farming, with 'reap' referring to the harvest and gathering of crops and stock and the sporadic nature of the publication causing distress to the normal function of a book.
Contents Page
As the outcome so far is fairly ambiguous, I created an introductory page to provide the reader with some context into the subject and purpose of the publication. I intended to keep the tone of voice professional to suite a culturally engaged audience.
'The human race’s greatest needs is for food, and throughout the centuries the farmer has played a most important part in the life of any community. Even today we could not survive for long without the food supplied by the world’s farmers. Working endless hours in uncertain conditions, farmers are the producers and feeders of the world, however due to factors out of their control, gaining a profit or breaking even can be an exhausting challenge.
Read it and Reap responds to primary and secondary research into the current state of farming revealed through the aesthetic relationship between nature and industry.'
Left the cover design to the later stages of the project.
Used Baskerville influenced by my type research as it is a traditional serif typeface.
Influenced by the cover of
Used different sizes of type to create a uniform composition.
Univers Condensed as a contemporary alternative, however I am struggling with the position and size of 'it and' to create a uniform cover design.
People actually preferred the door print.
Keeping it purely visual
Place the contents and title page on the next page so the ambiguity of the cover invites people in.
Ambiguous and intriguing
Invited the reader in
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