Thursday, 23 March 2017

OUGD503 - D&AD - Monotype - Street Market - Fruit Stickers DEVELOPMENT

In order to add class and sophistication to market culture, I took inspiration from 'Sign Painters' and 'Signs in Action' because I've identified that a lot of traditional signage uses contrasting typographic styles. Therefor I used Helvetica and SignPainters to balance the natural calligraphic style with the formal and ordered and increasing legibility. 

'The Alfresco Experience'
Alfresco translates to 'open air'


Struggling to find what the stickers will actually say. To add some depth and context to my concept, I have decided to give the markets an identity.

Concentrate on Leeds Kirkgate Market and demonstrate how it can be used around the UK and potentially global.

The sticker can be redesigned depending on the location around the UK

The sticker can be redesigned depending on whether it is for fruit, meat, fish, etc

The sticker can be used to seal the produce inside paper.
- Design paper textures? Marker pen scribbles/stripes
The brown paper is appropriate because it can be recycled and sustainable - Follows ethics of markets
Screen printed directly onto paper?

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