Tuesday, 28 March 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 2 - Concept Review

After evaluating the feedback from my presentation and reflecting on all of my research, I have identified three concepts to take forward:

1- Missing People Prevention

Using the information available from 'Geographies of Missing People', create a campaign to raise awareness and prevent people from running away in the UK.

2- Missing People as Martyrs 

Commemorating those lost and never returned at the hands of drug cartels and raising awareness of the injustice and lack of closure the families have to go through.

3- Discouraging the cyclical nature of drug trade

Create a campaign that highlights the destructive impact the drug trade has had on families in Mexico and Columbia.


After pitching my research and three initial concepts it was fed back that preventing people from running away makes more of a positive impact on society. People liked the martyr concept and the use of newspapers to disguise the graffiti stencils because it uses a newspaper which is an interesting format because it uses the media to rebel. Newspapers communicate current events and other informative articles about politics, sports, arts and advertising to the masses and it was suggested that this format would be a good context to display and distribute the campaign.

The crit group felt that trying to discourage people from feeding the drug cartels was a really good issue, however I should focus on this as more of a personal project because preventing people from running away and raising awareness of the issue is more current. However, it was suggested that I could integrate the prevention campaign with raising awareness of people who have gone missing in the past in order to commemorate.

The evidence provided by Geographies of Missing People Report will back up my campaign with sound facts and figures.

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