Monday, 27 March 2017

OUGD503 - Responsive - Collaborative Practice - Packaging

My role is to design the back of the box, providing:
  • Brief description of product
  • Logo
  • List of positions
  • 10x cards
  • Barcode
Sammy made a start on creating the outside cover of the box:

After producing some test prints and mockups of the box, we agreed that the type on the side needs to be removed because it isn't relevant and makes the design too busy:

Box Net provided by Sammy:

Highlighted the area I have to design in:


In order to inform the judges and audience on what's inside the box, I provided a brief description:

'Pack of 10 original cards celebrating the unique visual language of ballet'

I am unsure whether the language I have used is too formal, as 'visual language' may not be understood, however considering the audience is culturally engaged it will be appropriate. Perhaps changing the adjective 'unique' to 'exciting' or 'vibrant' would create more of a positive tone of voice.

'Pack of 10 original cards celebrating the vibrant visual language of ballet'
'Pack of 10 original cards celebrating the exciting visual language of ballet'

Split the composition into two columns, creating order clarity:

I am conscious of the large amount of negative space between the logo and the barcode as I don't want these to be associated with each other. To overcome this, I tried out a new layout based on the hierarchy of the elements:

Placed the branding at the top of the composition as a focal point so the ROH logo will be recognisable and distribute the brand.


I sent the composition as a PDF to the group over Facebook messenger to gain opinions on the two designs. The group preferred the first composition due to its simplicity and order created by the two columns. 

Complete boxes and cards:

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