Tuesday, 21 February 2017

OUGD505 - Visiting Professional - Footprint

James and Claire from Footprint came to talk about their eco friendly and sustainable printing business.


Footprint is a cooperative printing company with a focus on ethical and sustainable print. The company was set up as a workers co-op as part of Radical Routes, a UK network of cooperatives working together on the principles of mutual aid.

The reason Footprint can work sustainably and ethically is because they are part of the workers co-op. This means the the business is owned and managed by the workers, for the workers. There is no corporate boss, the responsibility is shared. People who use the facilities contribute to the business and a respect for the other workers means that decisions are negotiated between all workers which ultimately means never doing something because someone has told you to. This creates a positive working environment as the staff are working for a cause they agree with.

Workers co-op's are strong in the North of England

They choose to print using a Risograph because of its straight forward printing process which is like digital screen printing. Footprint favour this process because it is more environmentally friendly due to the lack of harmful chemicals. Footprint claim to recycle 100% of their paper and materials which highlights their ethical considerations. This is also supported by the fact that they use an ethical energy tariff by avoiding the big 6 such as British Gas, EDF Energy and Npower.

Co-op organisations work together to support non-hierarchal businesses such as Bradford waste disposal which benefits the environment and provides a source of income for both independent businesses.

There are no unpaid workers, however due to a tight budget they don't offer paid internships and don't support working people for free.

For every hour 50p goes into the donation pot

Co-op businesses aim to support independent and ethical practice in order to deal with the evils of capitalism as workers are often working in bad conditions with low pay. James shared his experience from graduating from LCA where he found it difficult as he didn't agree with many of the ethics of other printing firms.

Footprint don't have to pay rent for their studio because it is in the basement of a building.


Footprint turn work away if they don't agree with the content or client. Examples of this have been homophobic work and political work. Footprint expressed that they don't print for any political parties in order to keep a neutral position.

Footprint provide:

10% discount to other co-ops to support each other
10% discount to grass root companies

Which supports the ethics and values of co-op companies in order to build positive relationships and create a network.

The majority of the income they receive is from artists and self publishers because the Risograph process creates a unique and desirable printing finish, whilst making reproduction cheaper and more environmentally friendly because the printing plates can be used countless times. Working with artists and creatives compliments the way they work so they see themselves as part of the self publishing community.

Zines create their biggest income which supports their DIY/'rough and ready' printing methods. These create a complimentary aesthetic once printed which artists and designers look for. Footprint have seen so much success from the zine community that they created the 'Zine in a day' workshop which allows creatives and non creatives to contribute a page into a zine. This ultimately creates a positive design community and encourages artists/designers to consider sustainable printing methods. Due to the diverse music scene in Leeds, a lot of work comes in from bands asking them to print LP sleeves and printed merchandise.

Social Media 

Without social media Footprint wouldn't be as strong as it is now as they use platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to set up events and raise awareness of what the small printing studio can do. This highlights the importance of an online presence.


1844 the Rochdale Pioneers put together 7 principles for co-operative business:

This has been a really beneficial talk as it has introduced me to ethical methods of practice that avoids the big corporate brands in order to present an honest, fair and moral practice.

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