Sunday, 30 October 2016

OUGD504 - Design for Print - Crit/Feedback

During the crit session, I brought along my mockups to show my progress. My main issue that I brought up was about the front cover embossing finish as I have experimented with a range of mid-tones. I handed out samples of each embossing so that the crit group could physically hold and feel the imprinted stock and therefor my feedback will be more accurate. The main consensus was between the dry embossing and full colour. The dry embossing is subtle, however it wouldn't give the publication a lot of shelf presence, therefor the full black type will impact the audience more and also works alongside the black binding tape, creating a cohesive cover.

I handed out two of my bound publications so that my crit group could pass it around and feel it, putting them into context. The type size for the introduction was originally 10pt, however it was suggested that I should go smaller because my target audience will be capable of reading the smaller type and it also makes it subtle, forcing the audiences attention on the images.

I didn't have any prepared questions about the layout of the pages because I was just about to test print the publication using the digital print facilities. Now that I have done this, I will utilise the next crit session to ask for feedback on my layout, ready for the final print.

Overall I found the crit useful as it gave me confidence in my concept and people liked the idea of including a zine. I aim to create a list of questions that I can use in the next crit session so I can get more out of it.

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